Comparison Guide: Folding Bike vs Hybrid Bike


Folding Bike vs Hybrid Bike

If you have been trying to decide between a folding bike vs hybrid, certain features and qualities should be your focus. These features and factors affect the general riding quality of the various types of bikes, and this article will shed more light on them.

The aim: The aim here is to empower you to choose wisely, and to do so by yourself; having been handed sufficient information about what to check for and how to check for them.

What is a Folding Bike?

What is a folding bike, how can it be identified, and what are the factors that should determine your choice? To pitch folding bike vs hybrid is to ensure that you know what each truly means.

A folding bike is a bike that is built with a folding technology, meaning that it can fold into compact smaller sizes for storage.

Design and Structure

Folding Technology: folding bikes use smaller foldable stems which can either bend into shorter versions or slide into each other. The essence of the folding technology is to ensure that the bikes will be able to fold/ bend into smaller versions for storage keeping. Such bikes cannot be mounted or ridden in their foldable state.

Handlebars: Folding bikes have less rigid handlebars. The newer versions often have adjustable handlebars which can bend in the folding state. The flexible handles are easier to clip, easier to fold, and easier to adjust.

Wheels: Another very common feature of folding bikes is their often smaller wheel size. To reduce the weight and the size of the bike, and make it fold into very compact dimensions, producers use smaller wheels. The most common wheel size for folding bikes is 16 inches (as seen in all Brompton), and 20 inches as in most Brompnots (other bike models). There are other bikes with larger wheels but the larger the wheel, the larger the folding bike and weight and that is not so impressive.


Folding bikes are great purchases because:

  • They can fold for better storage (saves storage space.
  • They can be easily carried around in the folded size and kept for safekeeping under desks, over stairs, etc.
  • They can fit into car trunks, train rides, bus rides, etc.
  • They are lightweight and perfect for mobile journeys.


Some of the most unloved disadvantages of folding bikes include:

  • They are not rugged bikes. Unlike hybrid bikes, folding bikes are lightweight; the rougher the road, the rougher the ride.
  • They are usually more expensive than regular bikes (due to the technical know-how that goes into their creation).
  • They may be too heavy to carry (especially the cheap versions which trade weight for price)
  • They are usually more specific on terrains.

What is a Hybrid Bike?

A hybrid bike on the other hand is more versatile and can be utilized on a larger scale. Just as the name suggests, it is a combination of two or more purpose bikes. In the bicycle world, we refer to a hybrid bike as one that can function as a road bike and a mountain bike at the same time. Rather than buying a bike that is suitable for only one terrain, you can switch things up by getting a hybrid bike that can do two or more terrains effortlessly.

Design and Structure

Handlebars: When it comes to handles, hybrid bikes have a flat handlebar that is similar to that of mountain bikes (road bikes tend to have a drop bar). This handle type allows the braking components to be similar to that of mountain bikes allows you to stand more upright while riding, and gives good control power in traffic.

Tyres: Hybrid bikes use fuller-volume tyres. Regardless of the wheel size, hybrid bikes tend to have more robust tyres; that enable smoother rides on various terrains and rough roads. That way, the bike can easily fit into a rough route, and also adjust to a smooth route too.

Hybrid bikes also often have mudguards, full suspension systems, and versatile gearing. The idea of the creation of these bikes is to make the bike more suitable for a higher number of terrains.


The famous reasons why people go for a hybrid bike over folding bikes include:

  • More comfort on rides across all terrains (it is diverse in use).
  • They are often more affordable than folding bikes
  • Rather than buying a mountain bike, different from a road bike, you can combine purpose in one hybrid bike. They are, therefore, more versatile.


Some of the downsides of hybrid bikes include

  • They are a jack of all trades and frankly, master of none. In the process of making it versatile, you will enjoy about 70% comfort across all the road types, but that is not best on each road or terrain.
  • They are not so easy to store/or save/carry as much as folding bikes
  • They are often heavier to carry.

Folding Bike vs Hybrid Bike: Comparative Analysis

● Performance

On the performance level, bikers tend to favor hybrid bikes over folding bikes, however, you have to note that these are rougher riders and they vote based on terrains, climbs, and adventurous journeys. You will find that you do not necessarily miss out on anything with a folding bike as an average rider.

● Comfort

Both Folding bikes and hybrid bikes are comfortable to ride. The comfort indices will depend on the road, the weight capacity, and many other factors or configurations of the respective bikes.

● Portability

On portability, folding bikes win the competition. They are smaller, easier to carry, foldable, and often more lightweight. If portability is your aim, go for a folding bike over a hybrid one.

● Price

Hybrid Bike wins the competition as regards affordability. They are more affordable; however, it is important to state that they may not be more value for money. Folding bikes will cost more, but of course, give you more features.

How to Choose Your Bike Between Folding Bike and Hybrid

There are two summative ways to determine which bike to buy between folding bikes and hybrid bikes.

● Lifestyle Consideration

Firstly, what do you love to do, and where do you love to ride? If you are a road biker, although a hybrid bike looks like more versatility, it will not give you the perfect enjoyment in rides. So, consider your terrain, your riding culture, speed, and frequency, in deciding which is best. If you are a rough rider, a hybrid bike is better, but if you are a road biker, you will enjoy a folding bike greatly.

● Fitness Goals

Secondly, you should check out your fitness goals, although, this will be a factor of how long and how far you drive. As a heavy rider looking forward to losing weight, you should tilt towards the hybrid version because it has more lasting stamina and longevity for rugged use.


1. Are folding bikes suitable for long-distance rides?

Yes. Folding bikes are suitable for long-distance rides, however, you need to factor in the wear and tear rate, because that will be a function of how far, and how long you ride your folding bike.

2. Can folding bikes handle uphill terrain?

Yes, folding bikes can handle uphill climbs, but not as well as regular or hybrid bikes. You will need more exertive effort to be able to handle uphill climbs on a folding bike.

3. What are the drawbacks of owning a hybrid bike?

One major drawback to owning a hybrid bike is that it can travel many terrains, but not as well as bikes specifically made for those. For example, you will be able to travel well on a mountain trail, but you will have a rockier experience than when you use a real mountain bike designed for the terrain. The same thing applies to road travel.

4. Is owning a folding bike worth the investment?

Absolutely. Folding bikes are not just modern aesthetic bikes, they save you space, they are easy to carry and travel with, and they are suitable for inter-city runs. They are worth their money and that is why they continue to be in demand.


Conclusively, both hybrid bikes and folding bikes are worth their money, you just have to ask yourself what you truly want/ need, and choose according to your lifestyle choices. That is the best way to buy for utility over aesthetics and to get value for your money.